poetic translation / tłumaczenia poetyckie
Robert Frost once wrote that 'Poetry is what gets lost in translation'. And yet, one hopes that maybe, in its humble capacity, translation may sometimes offer something to compensate for its arrogant presumption. Unfortunately, the only way to know is to try...
Adam Asnyk (1838 - 1897)
- We had nothing true together... [Między nami nic nie było...]
Jan Kochanowski (1530 - 1584)
Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855)
- Uncertainty [Niepewność]
- Where waters stood clear and vast... [Nad wodą wielką i czystą...]
- Conrad's Song of Vengeance from 'Forefather's Eve pt. III [Dziady cz. 3]
- Lady of Lake Switez [Świtezianka]
Cyprian Kamil Norwid (1821-1883)
Julian Tuwim (1894-1953)
- The Alphabet [Abecadło]
- The Darkest Night [Ciemna noc]
- Steam Engine [Lokomotywa]
- A Bird [Ptak]
- Avian Radio [Ptasie Radio]
- Two Winds [Dwa Wiatry]
- All the Wonders [Cuda i dziwy]
Jan Brzechwa (1898-1966)
- Market Stall [Na straganie]
- Turnip and Honey [Rzepa i miód]
- Thread and Needle Spun a Waltz [Tańcowała igła z nitką]
- Zero [Zero]
- Beetle [Chrząszcz]
- The Zoo [Zoo]
- A Strange, Strange Duck [Kaczka dziwaczka]
- Lazybones [Leń]
Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński (1921-1944)
William Blake (1757-1827)
Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
- Kruk najczarniejszy z czarnych [Crow Darker than Ever]
- Kruk marszczy brew [Crow Frowns]
- Psikus [A Childish Prank]
- Upadek Kruka [Crow's Fall]
- Teologia Kruka [Crow's Theology]
All translations by Witold Wojtaszko (wwojtaszko@wordactive.pl). All rights reserved.